
Clock, able to knit scarves and watches

On the hour, able to knit scarves and warm socks, obviously wistfully dreamed all residents, where cold winters are known for killing frost. Now their dreams have come true:

His watch, who can knit, German designer Siren Elise Wilhelmsen gave the name - "365". According to his concept unites us all the time, becoming a kind of lowest common denominator. On the other hand, time is a natural phenomenon, logical and easily distributed on the past, present and future. Also, the time can be considered very subjective. How many lived in one minute, an hour, or year may depend on how we have lived in different conditions. However, this does not change the fact that the bottom is always 24 hours, an hour - 60 minutes, one minute - 60 seconds.

The aim of hours "365" to present time change in physical manifestation. Based on the changes that can be observed through the growth of the human body and hair, the same concept is found in the clock "365", which translate the time in knitted material. In conventional wall clock built: circular 48-needle knitting machines, reel thread, its holder and roll the yarn. Knitting moves clockwise: in one day is bound by one full circle and at the end of the year the owner receives two hours meter knitted scarf.

Clock "365" were first presented at the International Design Festival «DMY international design festival 2010", and the designer of "knitting hours" is one of six graduates of Udk berlin, whose works have participated in this annual event.

I already foresee that if the clock will go on mass market, the mandatory attribute anniversaries and anniversaries - will count the number of associated scarves

Photos of 365 hours, able to knit