
What hours is better: a mechanical or quartz ?

What hours is better: a mechanical or quartz ?

Today, in the modern market hours are a lot of different models : luxury brand watches and more affordable cost of less well-known manufacturers , made of various materials in different colors. However, if you decide on the look fairly easy, and will help to make your choice of fashion trends and personal taste preferences , the selection mechanism without special knowledge , certainly not enough. Therefore, if you decide to buy watches, then this article will help you determine and understand on what type of mechanism is best to choose .

Mechanical watches are suitable conservative people who care about their status or those who prefer a large massive dials . No wonder the mechanics are not just considered " classics ", because it is not just a watch , but a real symbol of time . As for the mechanism , then it works on special springs , as well as demands to be lubricated regularly and wound movement . These clocks sufficiently accurate , the accuracy of their course is about 40 plus - minus 20 seconds a day .

Still considered to be more accurate mechanical watch to the car ( the gears in these hours run with the built-in inertial load at a time when the hand moves the owner ), their accuracy in the range from plus 18 to minus 6 seconds in a day. Despite the fact that, as a rule, they are a little thicker and heavier than a conventional mechanical watch to the car are more accurate and respectable .

For those who like precision , delicate and small case and do not pay too much attention to detail , is the best fit quartz watch, since they have the most accurate stroke ( from minus 20 to plus 20 seconds per year). They are also considered to be more practical and because it does not require daily plant , working from a simple battery . Their mechanism consists of fewer parts that can make quartz watches is much more compact, which is why , ladies watches , how to plant , quartz .